Sanskrit Names for Businesses and Startups
This article provides a comprehensive, hands-on guide for unique and engaging brand and business names, drawing inspiration from the ancient Sanskrit language. Opting for Sanskrit names for Indian businesses provides a distinctive combination of cultural depth, inherent significance, and broad appeal. With its deep-seated roots in Indian heritage, Sanskrit conveys profound meanings that align with essential business values and principles. These names not only evoke emotions and narrate stories but also effectively communicate purpose, making them powerful tools for branding.
The rise in popularity of Sanskrit names for businesses reflects a growing appreciation for cultural heritage and
timeless elegance. Sanskrit, with its profound meanings and historical significance, offers a unique branding
advantage by resonating deeply with core values and principles.
This trend is particularly strong in India,
businesses seek to connect with their roots and convey authenticity. Additionally, Sanskrit names evoke a sense of
sophistication and trust, appealing to a global audience. This blend of tradition and modernity makes Sanskrit an
increasingly popular choice for business names across various industries.
This article puts forth major industries in India and their roots to ancient Indian culture and Sanskrit literature.
The Significance of Sanskrit Names for Businesses
Sanskrit names can effectively mirror a company’s core values and mission. By choosing a name that embodies the
principles the business stands for, companies can communicate their purpose and identity more clearly.
For example,
Vedantu (वेदांतु), an online tutoring platform, draws from the words “Veda” (वेद) meaning knowledge
“Tantu” (तंतु), reflecting its goal to create a network of knowledge. These examples illustrate how Sanskrit names
can be both meaningful and impactful, contributing to the brand’s success and recognition.
annapurna (अन्नपूर्णा): Named after the goddess of nourishment, annapurna is a well-known brand in the food
industry, symbolising abundance and sustenance.
We have covered Sanskrit business names for many industries
Scroll to:
Pharma and Healthcare
Construction and Real Estate
Software and Technology
Architecture and Interiors
Fashion and accessories
Finance and Import/Export
Foods & Beverages
More names
In the following sections we have attempted to connect each industry to its Indian roots, through ancient text,
historical references and so on.
To honour this cultural significance, we have provided lists of most suitable Sanskrit names for your brand/start-up
or business where we have also included the meaning and transliteration (IAST standard) for correct pronunciation.
Sanskrit Names for Jewellery(आभूषण) Businesses and Startups
Jewellery in Indian culture is deeply interwoven with its traditions, religion, and social customs. It transcends
mere aesthetic appeal to become a potent symbol of identity, spirituality, and heritage. From ancient times to the
modern era, jewellery has played a significant role in the lives of Indians, marking important life events,
celebrations, and devotional practices.
Sanskrit texts provide a rich tapestry of information on jewellery, metals, and crystals, reflecting the advanced
craftsmanship and scientific knowledge of ancient India.
Metallurgy in ancient India was highly advanced, with significant contributions documented in Sanskrit texts. For
example, the Rigveda and Atharvaveda mention various metals like gold (स्वर्णम्, svarṇam), silver (रजतम्, rajatam),
and copper (ताम्र, tāmra).
Texts like the Rasaratnakara by Nagarjuna discuss the properties and uses of various crystals and minerals in
alchemy and medicine. Commonly mentioned crystals include हीरक (hīraka) for diamonds and वैदूर्य (vaidūrya) for
cat’s eye gems.
To honour this cultural significance, here is a list of Sanskrit names for your jewellery brand where we have also
included the meaning and transliteration (IAST standard) for correct pronunciation.
- रत्नप्रभा (ratnaprabhā) - Radiance of Jewels
- वैदूर्यविभा (vaidūryavibhā) - Splendor of Cat’s Eye Gem
- आभरणविलास (ābharaṇavilāsa) - Splendor of Ornaments
- रत्नलोक (ratnaloka) - World of Jewels
- मणिमुकुर (maṇimukura) - Jewel Mirror
- कुंडलकमल (kuṇḍalakamala) - Lotus Earrings
- विभावज्र (vibhāvajra) - Radiant Thunderbolt
- हीरहरिणी (hīrahariṇī) - Diamond Deer
- आसञ्जन (āsañjana) - Attach
- तेजोमय (tejomaya) - Shining
- राजिता (rājitā) - Lustrous
- प्रस्तर (prastara) - Precious stone
- नक्षत्र (nakṣatra) - Star
- अर्घ्य (arghya) - Precious
- महार्ह (mahārha) - Valuable
- अमूल्य (amūlya) - Invaluable
- निर्मोल (nirmola) - Priceless
- वरेण्य (vareṇya) - Superior
- प्रवर्ह (pravarha) - High quality
- अमल (amala) - Pure
- अनामय (anāmaya) - Unblended
- अनवद्य (anavadya) - Unfiltered
- विशुद्ध (viśuddha) - Clarified
- मौलिक (maulika) - Valuable
- पुनीत (punīta) - Sanctified
- तलिन (talina) - Pure
- प्राखर्य (prākharya) - Brightness
- त्विषा (tviṣā) - Radiance
Names relating to Gold
- हेमहारिणी (hemahāriṇī) - Golden Deer
- स्वर्णश्री (svarṇaśrī) - Golden Beauty
- ज्वालारत्न (jvālāratna) - Jewel of Flames
- सुवर्णार्चिस (suvarṇārcisa) - Golden Flame
- कनकप्रभा (kanakaprabhā) - Golden Radiance
- हिरण्यभा (hiraṇyabhā) - Golden Light
- स्वर्णकारा (svarṇakārā) - Golden Maker
- सुवर्णशोभा (suvarṇaśobhā) - Golden Beauty
- काञ्चनकीर्ति (kāñcanakīrti) - Golden Fame
- शातकुम्भ (śātakumbha) - Gold
- हिरण्य (hiraṇya) - Gold
Names relating to Silver
- रजतशोभा (rajataśobhā) - Silver Beauty
- चन्द्रप्रभा (candraprabhā) - Silver Radiance
- रजतलेखा (rajatalekhā) - Silver Line
- रूप्यरत्न (rūpyaratna) - Silver Jewel
- चांदीमणि (cāṃdīmaṇi) - Silver Gem
- रजतरेखा (rajatarekhā) - Silver Streak
- रूपकार (rūpakāra) - Silver Maker
- चान्दीकार (cāndīkāra) - Silver Worker
- रजतमय (rajatamaya) - Made of Silver
- रूप्यभूषा (rūpyabhūṣā) - Silver Ornament
- श्वेतक (śvetaka) - Silver

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Sanskrit Names for Pharma and Healthcare (औषधीय, भेषजीय/स्वास्थ्यसेवा) Businesses and Startups
Since ancient times, healthcare has been a cornerstone of Indian culture, deeply rooted in the Vedic tradition. The
foundational texts of Ayurveda, such as the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, cover a broad spectrum of medical
knowledge, from internal medicine to complex surgeries. Historically, India has been a hub for traditional medicine
and practices.
The concept of health in these texts is not only limited to the absence of disease but also encompasses a holistic
well-being, aligning with the broader Vedic view of life and the universe. This ancient wisdom continues to
influence modern healthcare practices and is a testament to India’s enduring legacy in medicine and
Sanskrit names for pharma/healthcare brands can evoke a sense of ancient wisdom and holistic well-being, resonating
with India’s rich medicinal heritage. They can also impart a unique identity that stands out in the global
Here’s a list of Sanskrit-inspired names for a pharma/healthcare brand:
- आयुरारोग्य (āyurārogya) - Life Health
- निरामय (nirāmaya) - Free from Illness
- सञ्जीवनी (sañjīvanī) - Life-Giving
- धन्वन्तरि (dhanvantari) - Divine Healer
- वैद्यश्री (vaidyaśrī) - Glory of Medicine
- केतन (ketana) - Curing
- स्वास्थ्यसाधना (svāsthyasādhanā) - Practice of Health
- अभियोग (abhiyoga) - Examination
- शमन (śamana) - Healing
- प्राणचिकित्सा (prāṇacikitsā) - Treatment of Life
- प्राणवर्धन (prāṇavardhana) - Enhancer of Life
- निर्जर (nirjara) - Nectar
- नीरुज (nīruja) - Health
- निवारण (nivāraṇa) - Prevention
- संवृत (saṃvṛta) - Protected, secured
- हितायु (hitāyu) - Beneficial Life
- जीवनदीप (jīvanadīpa) - Light of Life
- दमन (damana) - Calming
- स्वास्थ्यधारा (svāsthyadhārā) - Stream of Health
- चिरंजीवी (ciraṃjīvī) - Long-Lived
- निरोगधाम (niroga-dhāma) - Abode of Wellness
- आयुष्मती (āyuṣmatī) - Full of Longevity
- प्रशांति (praśānti) - Supreme Peace
- आरोग्यदायिनी (ārogyadāyinī) - Giver of Health
- चेतनामृत (cetanāmṛta) - Elixir of Consciousness
- निरोगपथ (nirogapatha) - Path to Disease-Free
- जीवनस्पन्द (jīvanaspanda) - Pulse of Life
- समीचीन (samīcīna) - In better shape
- मोदिन् (modin) - Full of spirit
- हृषित (hṛṣita) - Joyous
- चिरायु (cirāyu) - Long lived
- पूर्णकाय (pūrnakāya) - Healthy
- सुस्थित (susthita) - Healthy, fit
- ऊर्जस्विन् (ūrjasvin) - Vigorous
- राघित (rāghita) - One who is powerful
- अगद (agada) - Medicine
- ऊर्जासार (ūrjāṣara) - Essence of energy
- आयत्ति (āyatti) - Force
- तवस्य (tavasya) - Strength
- प्रबल (pravala) - Strong
- सुदृढ (sudṛḍha) - Very firm, strong
- बलिष्ठ (baliṣṭha) - Mighty, strong
- आयुर्बल (āyurbala) - Strength of life
- पोषक (poṣaka) - Nourishing
- अमृतधारा (amṛtadhārā) - Stream of nectar
- संवर्धक (saṃvardhaka) - Nurturer
- वयोधा (vayodhā) - Invigorating
- पुष्टि (puṣṭi) - Action of nourishing
- सम्भृति (sambhṛti) - Nourishment
- चिरस्थायी (cirasthāyī) - Long-lasting, enduring
Sanskrit Names for Construction and Real Estate (संरचना एवं अचल सम्पत्ति) Businesses and Startups
The construction and real estate sectors in India are dynamic contributors to the nation’s economy, encompassing
residential, commercial, and urban development projects. During ancient times in India, the realms of construction
and real estate were characterised by their advanced urban design, exemplified by the orderly cities of the Indus
Valley Civilization, renowned for their uniform brickwork and complex drainage systems. This period also saw the
establishment of majestic centres of learning such as Nalanda, which were emblematic of elaborate architectural
design and substantial urban growth.
What is Construction & real estate called in Sanskrit?
Construction is called as संरचना, whereas real estate can be called अचल सम्पत्ति.
Sanskrit name, for a Construction & real estate business, can impart a unique identity that stands out in a global
market, symbolising stability and longevity—qualities desirable in the construction and real estate industry. Indian
customers may also appreciate a Sanskrit name for a construction and real estate brand as it can resonate with the
cultural roots and classical elegance of India.
Below is the list of Sanskrit names suitable for a Construction/real estate brand:
- निर्वाण (nirvāṇa) - perfect calm, happiness
- कलरव (kalarava) - melodious chirping of birds
- आश्रय (āśraya) - shelter, abode
- प्राचुर्य (prācurya) - abundance, richness
- अधिक्षित (adhikṣita) - One who is settled
- प्रसत्ति (prasatti) - purity or clarity
- आहव (āhava) - challenge or invitation
- शाश्वत (śāśvata) - eternal, everlasting
- अग्रतस् (āgratas) - foremost, leading
- प्रासाद (prāsāda) - Palace, a lofty building
- विश्वावास (viśvāvāsa) - Universal dwelling
- प्राकारप्रभा (prākāraprabhā) - Radiance of walls
- विस्तारवाटिका (vistāravāṭikā) - Expansive garden
- गृहप्रगति (gṛhapragati) - Progress of Homes
- अवनीश (āvanīśa) - Lord of the Earth
- संहति (saṃhati) - Unity, togetherness
- अनन्तश्री (anantaśrī) - Infinite prosperity
- सुखवास (sukhavāsa) - Pleasant dwelling
- आलम्बन (ālambana) - Foundation
- स्थापन (sthāpana) - Establishment, foundation
- मूलाधार (mūlādhāra) - Root support, foundation
- विन्यास (vinyāsa) - Arrangement, structure
- रचना (racanā) - Creation
- उद्गत (udgata) - Risen
- उद्वर्धित (udvardhita) - Raised
- समवाय (samavāya) - Union
- सहयोग (sahayoga) - Cooperation
- अभिसन्धान (abhisandhāna) - Commitment or Trust
- अवग्रह (avagraha) - Confidence
- ग्रावन् (grāvan) - Solid
- उदात्त (udātta) - Grand
- प्रभूत (prabhūta) - Abundant
- विस्तृत (vistṛta) - Wide
- महाकार (mahākāra) - Huge
- आवास (āvāsa) - Dwelling
- विरामक (virāmaka) - Resting Place
- विराम (virāma) - Pause
- विश्रान्ति (viśrānti) - Repose or Rest
- नीरवता (nīravatā) - Silence
- प्रशम (praśama) - Peace
- तूष्णी (tūṣṇī) - Silence
- आवासिक (āvāsika) - One who stays
- स्वकीय (svakīya) - One’s Own
- असीम (asīma) - Limitless
- निस्सीम (nissīma) - Boundless
- समस्त (samsta) - Entire
- अखण्ड (akhaṇḍa) - Indivisible
- अधिष्ठान (adhiṣṭhāna) - Basis
- अधिवास (adhivāsa) - Abode
- सकल (sakala) - Complete
Sanskrit Names for Software and Technology (सॉफ्टवेयर/प्रौद्योगिकी) Businesses and Startups
India’s software and tech industry is a vital part of its economy, known for its skilled workforce and innovation. It
has created numerous jobs, attracted global IT services, and fostered startups. The software and tech industry in
India, deeply rooted in a culture that values knowledge, echoes the country’s ancient advancements in mathematics
and sciences. These historical contributions, like the invention of zero, underpin today’s technological
In the digital age, India’s cultural heritage is being preserved and promoted through technology, bridging the gap
between the past and the future. Technological tools like virtual reality and digital archiving are being used to
safeguard and showcase India’s cultural splendour.
A Sanskrit name for an Indian software/tech company can evoke a sense of cultural pride and heritage, connecting the
brand to India’s rich linguistic and intellectual history.
Here is a curated list of Sanskrit names which can symbolise a software/tech brand or a company:
- प्रज्ञा (prajñā) - Wisdom or intelligence
- सङगणना (saṅagaṇanā) - Computation or calculation
- नवोन्मेष (navonmeṣa) - Innovation or new creation
- प्रविधि (pravidhi) - Technology or method
- सर्वज्ञ (sarvajña) - All-knowing or omniscient
- नवधी (sarvadhī) - New knowledge
- प्रवर्तन (pravartana) - Initiation or activation
- ज्ञानप्रविधि (jñānapravidhi) - Technology of knowledge
- अभिनवन (ābhinavana) - Innovation
- धीतंत्र (dhītantra) - System of intellect
- मतिसंपर्क (matisamparka) - Connection of thought
- मन्थन (manthana) - Churning, deep thinking
- अनुचिन्तन (ānucintana) - Repeated thinking, reflection
- विमर्श (vimarśa) - Discussion, deliberation
- अभियन्त्रण (ābhiyantraṇa) - Engineering
- संविधा (saṁvidhā) - System (Computer)
- विगणना (vigaṇanā) - Computing
- प्रणाली (praṇālī) - System, channel
- सङ्ख्या (saṅkhyā) - Number, counting
- अङ्कन (aṅkana) - Marking, numbering
- परिगणना (parigaṇanā) - Enumeration, counting
- सङ्ख्यापन (saṅkhyāpana) - Counting, numbering
- गणक (gaṇaka) - Calculator, mathematician
- समीकरण (samīkaraṇa) - Equation
- परिमाण (parimāṇa) - Measurement
- तन्त्रधारा (tantradhārā) - Flow of Technology
- समुद्देश (samuddeśa) - Theory
- विनीति (vinīti) - Innovation
- सारभूत (sārabhūta) - Essential
- आदिक (ādika) - Primary
- सङ्गतार्थ (saṅgatārtha) - Relevant
- समुचित (samucita) - Proper
- सङ्ख्यान (Saṅkhyāna) - Calculation
- निष्कर्ष (niṣkarṣa) - Conclusion
- आविष्कार (āviṣkāra) - Invention
- प्रक्रिया (prakriyā) - Process
- प्रकर्म (prakarma) - Operation
- प्रयोग (prayoga) - Experiment
- प्रतीत्य (pratītya) - Trial
- सन्धान (sandhāna) - Discovery
- संयोग (saṃyoga) - Confluence
- योजक (yojaka) - Connector
- अन्वय (anvaya) - Connection
- संयुक्त (saṃyukta) - Associated
- तोलक (tolaka) - Act of measuring
- प्रमिति (pramiti) - Act of measuring
- मूल्याङ्कन (mūlyāṅkana) - Evaluate
- मिति (miti) - Measurement
- अङ्कन (aṅkana) - Marking, counting
- अङ्कीय (aṅkīya) - Digital
- तन्त्रांश (tantrāṃśa) - Software
Sanskrit Names for Architecture and Interiors (वास्तुकला/अन्तःस्थलम्) Businesses and Startups
Architecture and interior design in India hold profound cultural significance, deeply rooted in the country’s rich
heritage and diverse traditions. Indian architecture, from ancient temples and palaces to modern structures,
reflects the intricate craftsmanship and spiritual symbolism unique to each region. Interiors often incorporate
elements like traditional motifs, vibrant colours, and natural materials, creating spaces that are not only
aesthetically pleasing but also imbued with cultural narratives.
Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture, guides the design and layout of spaces to harmonise with
natural forces, promoting well-being and
prosperity. This blend of tradition and modernity in Indian architecture and interiors continues to inspire and
influence global design trends.
A Sanskrit name for an Indian architecture and interior design company connects the brand to the country's rich
cultural heritage and timeless traditions. It conveys deep respect for traditional knowledge and craftsmanship,
making the brand unique and memorable.
Below is the list of Sanskrit names for Architecture/Interiors brand:
- अन्तरंग (antaraṅga) - Inner space
- संपन्नगृह (sampannagṛha) - Prosperous house
- सौम्यता (saumyatā) - Serenity
- भूमिसंकल्प (bhūmisaṅkalpa) - Earthly Commitment
- गृहनिर्माण (gṛhanirmāṇa) - Home Construction
- वास्तुविकास (vāstuvikāsa) - Architectural Development
- आलम्बन (ālambana) - Support
- निकेतन (nikētana) - Residence, home
- सुसज्जित (susajjita) - Well-decorated
- मण्डित (maṇḍita) - Decorated, adorned
- शोभित (śobhita) - Beautiful, splendid
- विभाव्योम (vibhāvyoma) - Radiant space
- तक्षण (takṣaṇa) - Carpentry
- त्वष्टि (tvaṣṭi) - Woodwork
- सूत्रकर्म (sūtrakarma) - The craft of a carpenter
- सङ्घाट (saṅghāṭa) - Carpentry
- काष्ठतक्षण (kāṣṭhatakṣaṇa) - Woodwork
- सुस्थल (susthala) - Good Place
- स्थिरता (sthiratā) - Stability
- अन्तःकक्षा (antaḥkakṣā) - Inner chamber
- शालिका (śālikā) - Room
- आगार (āgāra) - Place
- कोष्ठ (koṣṭha) - Chamber
- कोष्ठक (koṣṭhaka) - Room
- कक्ष (kakṣa) - Room
- प्रकोष्ठ (prakoṣṭha) - Big space
- स्थली (sthalī) - Room
- रूषण (rūṣaṇa) - Decoration
- शोभिता (śobhitā) - Decorator
- अभ्यञ्जन (abhyañjana) - Ornamentation
- विन्यास (vinyāsa) - Arrangement
- समाहित (samāhita) - Organised
- समवेत (samaveta) - Collected
- सङ्कलित (saṅkalita) - Collected, curated
- अनुरूप (anurūpa) - Suitable
- रचिता (racitā) - Arranger
- अवन (avana) - Felicity
- प्रश्रय (praśraya) - Regard
- विकल्प (vikalpa) - Selection
- गृहकला (gṛhakalā) - Art of home
- नवाकृति (navākṛti) - New design
- आसन (āsana) - Place
- विविध (vividha) - Various
- आयोजना (āyojanā) - Planning
- अभिकल्पन (abhikalpana) - Preparation
- वयन (vayana) - Surrounding
- वटन (vaṭana) - Surrounding
- परिधि (paridhi) - Fencing
- वेष्टनम् (veṣṭanam) - Fencing
- अट्टालिका (aṭṭālikā) - High rise building
Sanskrit Names for Education (शिक्षा), Coaching Institutes
Education holds a revered place in Indian culture, seen as a path to enlightenment and personal growth. Renowned
centres of learning, ancient universities such as Nalanda, Takshashila, and Vikramashila attracted scholars from
across the globe offering advanced studies in diverse fields such as medicine, mathematics, astronomy, and
Traditional learning was centred around gurukuls and ashrams, where students lived with their gurus and absorbed
knowledge through immersive, holistic education.
Sanskrit literature, including the Upanishads, Mahabharata, Ramayana, and Puranas, served as comprehensive sources
of wisdom, encompassing ethics, politics, economics, and social sciences.
A Sanskrit name for an educational company can reflect this deep cultural heritage, symbolising wisdom, tradition,
and authenticity. It can also create a unique and memorable brand identity, resonating with the values of knowledge
and learning.
Here are some Sanskrit names suitable for educational institutions, coaching classes, services, consultation and so
- अध्ययन (adhyayana) - Study
- अङ्कित (aṅkita) - Written
- प्रबोध (prabodha) - Enlightenment
- साधना (sadhanā) - Practice
- प्रबोधिनी (prabodhinī) - One Who Enlightens
- विद्याविस्तार (vidyāvistāra) - Expansion of Knowledge
- प्रज्ञावर्धन (prajñāvardhana) - Enhancement of Intelligence
- विद्याधाम (vidyādhāma) - Abode of Knowledge
- विद्याधारा (vidyādhārā) - Bearer of Knowledge
- धृति (dhṛti) - Steadfastness
- धृतिमय (dhṛtimaya) - Full of Steadfastness
- प्रवृत्ति (pravṛtti) - Engagement or Practice
- अभिवृद्धि (abhivṛddhi) - Advancement
- ध्रुवता (dhruvatā) - Steadfastness
- अविचलता (avicalatā) - Unwavering
- अवस्थान (avasthāna) - Persistence
- अविचलन (avicalana) - Unchanging
- धृतिमान (dhṛtimān) - Possessing Steadfastness
- संपादन (saṃpādana) - Accomplishment
- अधिगम (adhigama) - Acquisition
- अर्जन (arjana) - Acquisition
- अधिग्रहण (adhigrahaṇa) - Reception
- पाठन (pāṭhana) - Reading
- अध्यापन (adhyāpana) - Instruction
- प्रवचन (pravacana) - Discourse
- उपदेश (upadeśa) - Guidance
- प्रेरणा (preraṇā) - Inspiration
- पन्था (panthā) - Way
- अयन (ayana) - Journey
- कलिन्दिका (kalindikā) - Science
- निर्देशन (nirdeśan) - Direction
- प्रतीति (pratīti) - Cognition
- मेधाविनि (medhāvini) - Possessing Intellect
- नवज्ञान (navajñāna) - New Knowledge
- शिक्षासूत्र (śikṣāsūtra) - Principles of Education
- बोधसङ्गम (bodhasaṅgama) - Confluence of Wisdom
- ज्ञानागार (jñānāgāra) - House of Wisdom
- बोधमण्डल (bodhamaṇḍala) - Circle of Enlightenment
- प्रमा (pramā) - Insight
- बोधित (bodhita) - Enlightened, awakened
- बोधार्णव (bodhārṇava) - Ocean of wisdom
- विज्ञाति (vijñati) - Sense
- सम्बोध (sambodha) - Understanding
- सङ्कल्प (saṅkalpa) - Resolution
- मेधाव्रत (medhāvrata) - Resolution of knowledge
- अभिज्ञ (abhijña) - Well-read
- सविद्य (savidya) - Knowledgeable
- आध्यान (ādhyāna) - Thought process
- विवेचना (vivecanā) - Investigation
- विद्येषा (vidyeṣā) - Longing of knowledge
Sanskrit Names for Fashion and Accessories (फैशन एवं साजसज्जा) Businesses and Startups
In Indian culture, fashion and accessories are integral, reflecting the country's rich heritage and diversity.
Traditional attire like sarees and sherwanis, along with accessories such as bangles and turbans, symbolise regional
identities and cultural nuances. They play a vital role in festivals and rituals, enhancing the celebratory spirit.
The intricate designs and vibrant colours showcase the meticulous craftsmanship and artistic skills passed down
through generations, making fashion a significant aspect of India's cultural and social fabric.
Sanskrit literature provides valuable insights into the fashion and accessories of ancient India. Texts like the
Vedas, Mahabharata, and Ramayana, as well as classical works like the Natyashastra, contain detailed descriptions of
clothing, jewellery, and adornments.
Here is a list of Sanskrit names which can be a well fit for a fashion & accessories brand:
- रूपकला (rūpakalā) - Art of Beauty
- शोभान्वित (śobhānvita) - Filled with splendor
- वस्त्रालय (vastrālaya) - House of Garments
- कौशेय (kauśeya) - Silk
- परिधान (paridhāna) - Attire
- वसन (vasana) - Clothing
- सुदृश्य (sudṛśya) - Good looking
- अम्बर (ambara) - Cloth
- अंशु (aṃśu) - Fabric
- नव्यता (navyatā) - Modernity
- रीति (rīti) - Style
- विभूषा (vibhūṣā) - Adornment
- ग्रन्थन (granthana) - Ensemble
- नवकला (navakalā) - New art
- आधुनिक (ādhunika) - Modern
- प्रचलित (pracalita) - Popular
- नवोदित (navodita) - Newly Risen
- विलासिता (vilāsitā) - Elegance
- शुभवस्त्र (śubhavāstra) - Auspicious Garment
- मोहक (mohaka) - Enchanting
- वस्त्रश्रृंगार (vastraśṛṅgāra) - Adornment of garments
- वस्त्रकल्प (vastrakalpa) - Fashion of garments
- सद्यवस्त्र (sadyavastra) - Contemporary clothing
- प्रावरण (prāvaraṇa) - Clothing
- वस्त्रमञ्जरी (vastramañjarī) - Bloom of garments
- सृजन (sṛjana) - Creation
- सर्ग (sarga) - Creation
- आकृति (ākṛti) - Form, shape
- निर्मिति (nirmiti) - Forming
- प्रारूप (prārūpa) - Design
- कलामय (kalāmaya) - Artistic
- सुनृता (sunṛtā) - Happiness
- आवरण (āvaraṇa) - Covering
- संवरण (saṃvaraṇa) - Covering, masking
- प्रावर (prāvara) - Cover
- प्रचलन (pracalana) - Trending
- नव्या (navyā) - New
- प्रत्यग्र (pratyagra) - Innovative
- कालिक (kālika) - Long lasting
- सामयिक (sāmayika) - Seasoned
- सीवन (sīvana) - Seam
- कर्पट (karpata) - Patch
- स्यूत (syūta) - Tailored
- प्रवयन (pravayana) - Weaving
- वयन (vayana) - Stitching
- ऊयन (ūyana) - Sewing
- तान्तव (tāntava) - Weaving
- आवपन (āvapana) - Weaving
- व्यूति (vyūti) - Knitting
- वस्त्राङ्गण (vastrāṅgaṇa) - Courtyard of clothes
Sanskrit Names for Tourism (पर्यटनम्) Businesses and Startups
Tourism holds immense significance in Indian culture, serving as a bridge that connects the rich heritage, diverse
traditions, and vibrant history of the country with the world. Tourism not only fosters cultural exchange and mutual
understanding but also contributes significantly to the economy by creating jobs and supporting local businesses.
Moreover, it helps in the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage sites.
Sanskrit texts often highlight the importance of travel for personal growth, cultural exchange, and the pursuit of
knowledge. The Aitareya Brahmana encourages continuous movement with the phrase “चरैवेति चरैवेति” (caraiveti
caraiveti) which means keep moving, keep moving, suggesting that travel leads to prosperity and success. These texts
collectively underscore the ancient Indian belief that travel enriches the mind and soul, making it an integral part
of one’s life.
A Sanskrit name, for a travel & tourism brand, highlights the deep-rooted traditions and historical significance of
the destinations being promoted.
Have a look at some interesting names below:
- विगम (vigama) - Journey
- प्रस्थान (prasthāna) - Travel
- सञ्चार (sañcāra) - Movement
- दर्शन (darśana) - Sightseeing
- विहरण (vihāraṇa) - Excursion
- सञ्चारिका (sañcārikā) - Traveler
- पथिकर (pathikara) - Pilgrim
- प्रयाण (prayāṇa) - Journey
- अध्व (adhva) - Path
- गमन (gamana) - Travel
- विचलन (vicalana) - Wandering
- अटन (aṭana) - Act of travelling
- क्रमण (kramaṇa) - Going ahead
- प्रयाणक (payāṇaka) - Traveller
- पारगमन (pāragamana) - Transport
- सङ्क्रान्ति (saṅkrānti) - Traverse
- परिक्रम (parikrama) - Crossing
- अवसान (avasāna) - Resting
- उपरम (uparama) - Resting
- समीरण (samīraṇa) - Traveller
- यात्रामुद्रा (yātrāmudrā) - Travel stamps
- प्रवेक (praveka) - Prime
- सम्पर्क (samparka) - Contact
- अनुबन्ध (anubandha) - Connection
- सेतु (setu) - Bridge
- संयोजन (saṃyojana) - Connection
- संवर (saṃvara) - Bridge
- तरणीय (taraṇīya) - Passable
- अध्वग (adhvaga) - Traveller
- सार्थिक (sārthika) - Pilgrim
- सहपथी (sahapathī) - Fellow-traveller
- पदाति (padāti) - Walker- a person who travels by foot
- सहगामी (sahagāmī) - Fellow-traveller
- सहयात्री (sahayātrī) - Companion
- व्राजन (vrājana) - Travelling
- द्रमण (dramaṇa) - Travelling
- अभिसंयान (abhisaṃyāna) - Frequent travelling
- विश्वयात्री (viśvayātrī) - Globetrotter
- अवनिचर (avanicara) - Vagabond
- गन्तव्य (gantavya) - Destination
- वीथि (vīthi) - Way
- वर्तनि (vartani) - Path
- अभ्यागम (abhyāgama) - Visit
- आरोहक (ārohaka) - Rider
- प्रक्रम (prakrama) - Beginning
- द्रुतगामी (drutagāmī) - The one who moves fast
- आस्पन्दन (āspandana) - Speed
- निस्यन्द (nisyanda) - Progression
- वेगिता (vegitā) - Speedy
- रंहति (raṃhati) - Distance travelled
Sanskrit Names for Finance and Import/Export (वित्त एवं आयात/निर्यात) Businesses and Startups
India’s finance and import-export sectors are vital to its economic development. Recently, our country has
experienced notable growth in exports, especially in pharmaceuticals, engineering goods, and textiles, while
striving to minimise its trade deficit. This makes us wonder, how finance was managed in ancient times in India?
Ancient India was a significant trade centre, engaging extensively with regions such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, and
later the Roman Empire.
The export of spices, textiles, precious stones, and metals not only bolstered the economy
but also promoted cultural exchanges and the dissemination of Indian philosophies and practices.
Sanskrit literature, including the Arthashastra by Kautilya (Chanakya), highlights the economic sophistication of
ancient India with detailed insights into finance, trade, and economic policies.
A Sanskrit name for an Indian finance or import-export company can symbolise a deep connection to India's rich
cultural heritage. It also offers a unique and memorable identity that can stand out in the global market.
Below is a list of Sanskrit names for a Finance/ Import & Export brand or business:
- समुन्नति (samunnati) - Growth
- उपचय (upacaya) - Progress
- अभिवृद्धि (ābhivṛddhi) - Advancement
- उन्नति (unnati) - Elevation
- विकास (vikāsa) - Development
- प्रवृद्धि (pravṛddhi) - Increase
- समृद्धि (samṛddhi) - Prosperity
- अभ्युदय (abhyudaya) - Rise
- प्रसार (prasāra) - Expansion
- वर्धन (vardhana) - Enhancement
- बाहुल्य (bāhulya) - Abundance
- उपार्जन (upārjana) - Earning
- धनमित्र (dhanamitra) - Friend of Wealth
- वाणिज्य (vāṇijya) - Trade
- निवेश (niveśa) - Investment
- वित्त (vitta) - Finance
- वाहिनी (vāhinī) - Flow (symbolising the flow of goods and capital)
- संपदा (sampadā) - Wealth
- अर्थवर्धन (arthavardhana) - Wealth Growth
- प्रयुक्ति (prayukti) - Utilisation
- उत्कर्ष (utkarṣa) - Excellence
- अभिप्रेत (abhipreta) - Ambitious
- धननिधि (dhananidhi) - Treasury
- धनाधार (dhanādhāra) - Wealth Holder
- विपणन (vipaṇana) - Marketing
- प्रेषण (preṣaṇa) - Sending Out
- विनिमय (vinimaya) - Exchange
- आवहन (āvahana) - Bringing In
- आर्थिकता (ārthikatā) - Economic
- विभव (vibhava) - Money
- वित्तवृत्ति (vittavṛtti) - Financial conduct
- अर्थसिद्धि (arthasiddhi) - Achievement of wealth
- धनवर्धन (dhanavardhana) - Increase of wealth
- वित्तपाल (vittapāla) - Protector of wealth
- नीवी (nīvī) - Financial asset
- मूलपूञ्जी (mūlapūñjī) - Capital
- परिपण (paripaṇa) - Working capital
- अभिवृद्धि (abhivṛddhi) - Prosperity
- प्रत्याशा (pratyāśā) - Expectation
- अभ्यर्थी (abhyarthī) - Prospect
- उत्पन्न (utpanna) - Income
- वित्तीय (vittiya) - Fiscal
- पणन (paṇana) - Transaction
- विपण (vipaṇa) - Deal
- क्रयपत्र (krayapatra) - Deal
- शुल्कन (śulkana) - Payment
- निर्यातन (niryātana) - Act of paying
- महार्घ (mahārgha) - High in price
- विनियोग (viniyoga) - Spend
- समन्वय (samanvaya) - Management
Sanskrit Names for Cosmetics (प्रसाधन सामग्री) Businesses and Startups
From ancient times, both men and women have used various natural ingredients like henna, turmeric, and sandalwood to
enhance their beauty and spiritual well-being. Cosmetics hold a profound significance in Indian culture, deeply
intertwined with traditions, rituals, and daily life.
Cosmetics have a rich presence in Sanskrit literature, reflecting their importance in ancient Indian culture. Texts
like the Kāmasūtra and Nāṭyaśāstra provide detailed descriptions of beauty practices and the use of cosmetics.
Additionally, the concept of षोडश शृंगार (ṣoḍaśa śṛṃgāra) meaning sixteen adornments is rooted in ancient Sanskrit
texts, outlining the sixteen items with which women should adorn themselves, including kajal (kohl), bindi, and
various types of jewellery. These practices were not only for aesthetic purposes but also held cultural and
spiritual significance, symbolising purity, prosperity, and marital status.
Following is the list of Sanskrit names which has connotations to Cosmetics and beauty:
- कायाकल्प (kāyakalpa) - Rejuvenation
- लयन (layana) - Form/Beauty
- प्रुषित (pruṣita) - Softened
- लावण्य (lāvaṇya) - Grace
- ईप्सा (īpsā) - Desire
- सुमुखी (sumukhī) - Beautiful Face
- मृदुला (mṛdulā) - Softness
- अङ्गराग (aṅgarāga) - Cosmetics
- शृंगार (śṛṃgāra) - Adornment
- रञ्जना (rañjanā) - Coloring
- सज्जा (sajjā) - Preparation
- वर्णिका (varṇikā) - Pigment
- रूपिका (rūpikā) - Beauty
- मण्डना (maṇḍanā) - Embellishment
- सौन्दर्यवर्धिनी (saundaryavardhinī) - Beauty Enhancer
- स्वैरिता (svairitā) - Self-will
- स्निग्धा (snigdhā) - Fond
- रङ्गिनी (raṅginī) - Colourful
- वर्णमयी (varṇamayī) - Colourful
- स्वमोह (svamoha) - Self-admiration
- रम्या (ramyā) - Charming
- रम्यकान्ति (ramyakānti) - Charming Radiance
- योषिता (yoṣitā) - Young woman
- मिन्दन (mindan) - Softening
- लसित (lasita) - Embracing
- अभिव्यञ्जना (abhivyañjanā) - Expression
- मुग्ध (mugdha) - Attractive
- शबल (śabala) - Multicoloured
- रोचन (rocana) - Glowing
- सुविभात (suvibhāta) - Bright
- कनल (kanala) - Shining
- द्योतन (dyotana) - Lustrous
- प्रभावत् (prabhāvat) - Glossy
- सुदीप्ता (sudīptatā) - Radiant
- बहार (bahāra) - Bloom
- छवि (chavi) - Image
- सोहन (sohana) - Beautiful
- चार्वी (cārvī) - Beauty
- चारुता (cārutā) - Beauty
- प्रतिमा (pratimā) - Reflection
- दर्पण (darapna) - Mirror
- मुकुर (mukura) - Mirror
- अनुभूति (anubhūti) - Experience
- विस्मय (vismaya) - Astonishment
- विस्मिति (vismiti) - Wonder
- काशित (kāsita) - Shining
- दीध्यन (didhyana) - Glowing
- आरुणी (āruṇī) - Rouge
- आलेपन (ālepana) - Coat
- महित (mahita) - Honoured
Sanskrit Names for Food and Beverages (खाद्य एवं पेय), Restaurants, Hotels Businesses and Startups
The food and beverage industry holds a significant place in Indian culture and continues to be a vital part of the
economy today. Culturally, food is deeply intertwined with rituals, traditions, and social practices, reflecting the
country’s rich diversity. Each region boasts unique culinary traditions, and food plays a crucial role in festivals
and religious ceremonies, symbolising devotion and community. The industry’s evolution mirrors changing consumer
preferences, blending traditional flavours with modern innovations, making it a dynamic and essential part of Indian
In Sanskrit texts, food and beverages hold a significant place, reflecting the cultural and dietary practices of
ancient India. Texts like the Bhojanakuthuhalam, Ayurveda and Sushruta Samhita provide detailed insights into the
nutritional values and medicinal properties of various foods. The Vedas and Upanishads mention food offerings in
rituals, symbolising devotion and gratitude. These texts not only document culinary practices but also underscore
the integral role of food in spiritual and social life.
In the following list, we have given Sanskrit names for a brand in Food & Beverage industry:
- अन्नपूर्णा (annapūrṇā) - Goddess of food, symbolizing abundance
- स्वादिष्ट (svādiṣṭa) - Delicious
- रसवती (rasavatī) - Full of flavour
- अनुभूत (anubhūta) - Tasted
- अभिप्राशन (abhiprāśana) - Act of eating more
- चरित (carita) - One who eats
- रसिका (rasikā) - Connoisseur of taste
- पानक (pānaka) - Beverage, drink
- सुपाच्य (supācya) - Easily digestible
- पुष्टिका (puṣṭikā) - Nourishing
- रसवर्धन (rasavardhana) - Enhancer of taste
- अन्नरस (annarasa) - Essence of food
- स्वाद (svāda) - Flavour, taste
- रसना (rasanā) - Sense of taste
- रसवत् (rasavat) - Full of flavour
- स्वाद्य (svādya) - Palatable, tasty
- रसज्ञ (rasajña) - Knower of taste
- खाद्यप्रिय (khādyapriya) - Lover of food
- पाक (pāka) - Cooked food
- खाद्यास्वाद (khādyāsvāda) - Flavour of food
- रसविहार (rasavihāra) - Journey of Taste
- स्वादोत्सवः (svādotsava) - Festival of Flavor
- स्वादसंपन्न (svādasampanna) - Rich in Flavor
- रसप्रिया (rasapriyā) - Lover of Taste
- स्वादवर्धन (svādavardhana) - Enhancing Taste
- अन्नविहार (annavihāra) - Journey of Food
- अशन (aśana) - Eating food
- स्वदन (svadana) - Consuming
- प्राशन (prāśana) - Eating
- खाद्यार्क (khādyārka) - Essence of food
- रुचिरा (rucirā) - Tasteful
- रूचिरङ्ग (rūciraṅga) - Colors of taste
- आस्वाद (āsvāda) - Taste
- रसास्वाद (rasāsvāda) - Taste and flavour
- पीयुष (pīyuṣa) - Elixir
- स्वादांश (svādāṃśa) - Component of taste
- पाकविधा (pākavidhā) - Cooking variety
- खाद्यखण्ड (khādyakhaṇḍa) - Piece of food
- स्वादमय (svādamaya) - Full of Taste
- संपुष्ट (saṃpuṣṭa) - Well-nourished
- स्विदित (svidita) - Greased
- तिलित (tilita) - Oiled
- श्रयण (śrayaṇa) - Cooking
- ऊर्दित (ūrdita) - Tasted
- चषण (caṣaṇa) - Eating
- ओदन (odana) - Rice
- अभिरुचि (abhiruchi) - Taste
- सुरस (surasa) - Tasty
- ग्रासक (grāsaka) - The one who eats
- परिवेषण (pariveṣaṇa) - Serving food in the plate
More Sanskrit Names for Businesses and Startups
- संपदा (saṃpadā) - Wealth, Prosperity
- सिद्धि (siddhi) - Success, Achievement
- आयुष्मान् (āyuṣmān) - Long Life, Health
- शक्ति (śakti) - Power, Energy
- सम्पूर्ण (sampūrṇa) - Complete, Whole
- नवीन (navīna) - New, Innovative
- सौभाग्य (saubhāgya) - Good Fortune, Luck
- धन्य (dhanya) - Blessed, Fortunate
- सम्पन्न (sampanna) - Prosperous, Successful
- विजय (vijaya) - Victory, Success
- प्रभा (prabhā) - Radiance, Light
- अभिनव (abhinava) - Innovative, New
- आशा (āśā) - Hope, Aspiration
- शुभ (śubha) - Auspicious, Good
- नवजीवन (navajīvana) - New Life, Renewal
- सिद्धार्थ (siddhārtha) - One who has achieved his goals
- मंगल (maṅgala) - Auspicious, Fortunate
- रत्नालय (ratnālaya) - Place of jewels (Jewellery Store)
- जलालय (jalālaya) - Place of water (Water)
- कृषिकर्म (kṛṣikarma) - Agriculture work
- यान (yāna) - Vehicle
- शोधन (śodhana) - Purification
- वितरण (vitarana) - Distribution
- सञ्चय (sañcaya) - Storage
- विद्युत् (vidyut) - Electricity (Hydroelectric power)
- प्रबन्धन (prabandhana) - Management
- स्रोत (srota) - Source
- सञ्चार (sañcāra) - Supply
- संवर्धन (saṁvardhana) - Conservation
- विक्रय (vikraya) - Sale
- निर्माण (nirmāṇa) - Manufacturing
- गति (gati) - Speed
- कृषक (kṛṣaka) - Farmer
- उद्यान (udyāna) - Garden
- गोपालन (gopālana) - Cattle farming
- कृष्याङ्गण (kṛṣyāṅgaṇa) - Farmyard
- निर्मलता (nirmalatā) - Cleanliness
- धौति (dhauti) - Washing
- सहाय (sahāya) - Assistance
- परिचर्या (paricaryā) - Care
- सेवालय (sevalaya) - Place of service
- माध्यम (mādhyama) - Medium
- सम्भाषण (sambhāṣaṇa) - Conversation
- वृत्तान्त (vṛttānta) - News
- अनुसन्धान (anusandhāna) - Research
- परामर्श (parāmarśa) - Consultation
How we curated these names?
These names are cited from various sources; some from dictionaries viz. Monier-Williams’ Sanskrit-English
Dictionary, V. S. Apte’s The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary and
many from online repositories such as,
LEXILOGOS Sanskrit Dictionary Online and Combined
Sanskrit Dictionary Search - University of Chicago. We
referred to Sanskrit thesauri such as Amarakosha and Sanskrit
Wordnet. In order to list the Sanskrit names for
the above mentioned industries, we came up with two techniques:
Similarly for the Fashion industry, the connotations are of beauty, style and so on. Hence the names are like रीति
(rīti) - Style, नव्यता (navyatā) - Modernity which has those connotations, even if they are not directly related to
Themes & connotations:
Thematic and connotative Sanskrit names for a new brand or start-up are crafted to evoke specific qualities, values, or imagery associated with the industry. By using dictionaries and various compound methods, these names are meticulously constructed to reflect the essence of the business. For ex: in case of Finance we have focused on themes like growth, progress, hence the suggested names are उन्नति (unnati), प्रवृद्धि (pravṛddhi), etc.
Compounds (समास):
In Sanskrit, compounds (संयुक्त शब्द, saṃyukta śabda) are words formed by combining two or more words to create a
new, single word with a specific meaning. This process is known as समास (samāsa). Creating a brand name for a
start-up or company using Sanskrit compounds involves combining two or more words to form a meaningful and impactful
For ex; for Education brand, we clubbed two words: ज्ञान/jñāna (knowledge) and आगार/āgāra (home or house) which
creates a word- ज्ञानागार (jñānāgāra) which denotes the meaning “House of Wisdom”.
Another example is for Construction brand is made using the words चिर/cira & स्थायी/sthāyī (cirasthāyī): which means
“Long-lasting, enduring”.
We hope you liked this collection of business names, please share your suggestions and feedback in the comments below. Also, do let us know if you end up selecting a name for your business from this list.
Read next Learnings from Chanakya Neeti.
Hello, please suggest a brand name for a spiritual/ holistic healing startup (including cystals and tarot card reading).
Thank You.
Priest has suggested to keep with letter can you suggest me word which starts letter G and in that word includes s&p.
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