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Why Sanskrit?

Sanskrit, without a doubt, is one of the oldest and most important languages in the world. A legacy which routes us to our source of origin. The knowledge it holds surmises its importance. 

संस्कृत (sáṃskṛta) – is a compound word consisting of sáṃ (together, good, well, perfected) and kṛta- (made, formed, work). It connotes a work that has been “well prepared, pure and perfect, polished, sacred”. 

Sanskrit scriptures, some of them are 4000+ years old, are more than just religious; They also deal with philosophy, medicine, fitness, statecraft, law, science, mathematics, art, grammar, astrology, phonetics, interpretation and so on. The best part, almost all of the knowledge is still very relevant and applicable, even today. 

This knowledge is a result of tremendous intelligence, minute observations and lifelong dedication of our ancestors. The knowledge that is obtained when you dedicate your life deeply meditating on the subject, understanding the innermost core of it and revealing otherwise inexplicable insights. Imagine what this knowledge can help us achieve on individual and as well as the societal level.

The more you read Sanskrit, the more amazed you will be to discover its enriched manuscripts. Sanskrit is effective as it can help you form sentences using a minimal number of words in comparison to other languages. Sanskrit has words to define the exact meaning of emotions.

For instance, in Sanskrit, love can be expressed using Kāma – काम (desire), Sneha – स्नेह​ (affection), Bhakti – भक्ति (devotion), and Priya प्रिय (dear) among a few others. 

In fact, the words of Sanskrit are so definite that NASA had called it the “only unambiguous spoken language on the planet,” which was apt for computer comprehension. 

Taking a scientific cue, research works conclude that the phonetics in Sanskrit have roots in different energy points of the body. Reading or speaking the language can activate these points, which helps the mind to grow, to relax and protects the body against illness.   

It has been noted that the study of Sanskrit enhances the functioning and memory of the brain. The effects have been known on such a global level that a school-based in London, James Junior school, has made it mandatory to study Sanskrit. The exam results of the students in this school have been above par.  

However, the sad part is, because of the rising influence of western culture and some other internal factors in India, Sanskrit and its authentic knowledge have taken a back seat. Even though most of the Sanskrit literature is digitized and available online for free, the intent to explore and learn from it lacks in the mainstream. As per the census conducted in 2011 (India), there is less than 0.1% of people who said Sanskrit was their native language.

The language holds the knowledge of over 4,000 years in forms of scriptures, texts, hymns, and history. Ignoring such a vast ocean of information is a loss to mankind. It is a beautiful language and should not be lost into oblivion. 

We need Sanskrit more than Sanskrit needs us.

Why ReSanskrit?

This is where ReSanskrit comes into the picture. The ‘Re’ in ReSanskrit stands for Reinvigorate. The next chapter in Sanskrit.

People in our generation are passive consumers of content. That means the content is presented to us every day by various social networks, news curators apps, etc. Whereas Sanskrit related content is not available in the ‘ready to serve’ format like quotes, posts or articles. It is mostly available in old phyiscal books or scanned digital files.  

That’s why we started ReSanskrit as an Instagram channel in late 2016. Our objective was to handpick relevant Subhashitas and Shlokas from various Sanskrit books, translate them in English and Hindi and finally decorate them using beautiful visual graphics that would catch audience’s attention. We are still active on Instagram and we would recommend you to follow us there for a regular dose of Sanskrit.

We didn’t know this at the beginning, that the visual aspect of our posts would play a very important and pivotal role in our growth journey. Rightly so, because there are so many blogs and channels on Sanskrit, but only Resanskrit has managed to become comparatively popular (current combined reach: 2 million+ per post). And this became possible because of our elegant and relevant designs which appeal to the young generation. 

But there is so much more to Sanskrit than just Subhashitas. Our Instagram channel, while a step in the right direction, was not enough. So, we decided to start our website where we can write detailed, well researched and relevant articles. We started our website in March 2018 and since then, we have written numerous articles which are liked and shared generously by our audience. You can check our top articles in the footer section. 

We believe for any initiative to survive and grow, it is very important for it to be self-sustainable. As a result, we started selling Sanskrit related merchandise like wall posters, wall frames, t-shirts, notebooks etc.

You can support us by purchasing our merchandise – 

View All ReSanskrit Merchandise

PS – Most of the profits earned by ReSanskrit go into developing new designs, marketing and collaborating with similar initiatives so that we can reach out to even more audience and in turn propogate Sanskrit.

Who is behind ReSanskrit?

That would be Sushant Ratnaparkhi.

A Mumbai based regular guy who works for a big corporate company as a digital marketing manager during the day and works on ReSanskrit in the nights. What is not so regular about him is his love for Sanskrit. He developed a liking (and pride) for the language right from the school days. 

Technology has grown a lot in last few decades, and everything around us changed, people got more engrossed in social media and their smartphones, access to everything got easier. Sushant (being an optimist) hoped that Sanskrit would also catch up and would become more accessible (and hence, popular). But that did not happen. Sanskrit is still largely in books, poorly managed websites and closed groups. 

Hence Sushant, driven by his love for Sanskrit, decided to start ReSanskrit as his side project. Being a digital marketer, he has a good understanding of how the online world works and applied his skills on ReSanskrit. Sushant also designs all the artwork and takes care of content planning, product development, SEO, website management, partnerships, etc.  In short, Sushant is awesome!  (He is also writing this piece).

For taking care of the e-commerce related tasks, Sushant’s sister (Supriya) and his father (Shri. Sharad) help him out in production, operation, finance and other tasks which is a big burden off of his shoulders and helps him focus on the main objective. Supriya and Sharad ji both are also Directors of ReSanskrit Publications LLP.

Sushant also works with many Sanskrit experts and freelancers for writing the articles and other activities.

If you think you can contribute, please write to Sushant on
