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शुभाशयाः - Common greetings and wishes in Sanskrit

by Sayali Khare 19 Jul 2024 0 Comments

Wishing our friends and family on their big day is a beautiful gesture that conveys our love, support, and good wishes for them. It's an opportunity to celebrate their achievements, milestones, or special moments, be it a birthday, wedding, graduation, or a new job. Our wishes can bring a smile to their face, make them feel cherished, and add to their joy. It's a way of saying, "I'm thinking of you on your special day, and I'm cheering for your happiness." This simple act of wishing can strengthen our bonds, create beautiful memories, and spread positivity. 

When we wish in Sanskrit, we tap into cultural heritage and infuse our greetings with timeless resonance. In this article, we are covering good wishes, i.e. शुभाशयाः (śubhāśayāḥ) in Sanskrit. The word शुभाशयाः, is a compound consisting two words:

शुभ and आशयाः 
शुभ means good and आशय means intent. Hence it can be said as good wishes.

We will cover some generic wishes for ex; Good luck, congratulations, even condolences, and so on. Also life achievements such as Birthdays, anniversaries, marriage, etc.

In this article, we have also provided English and Hindi translations of these greetings. Let us familiarise ourselves with how to express our good Wishes on various occasions in Sanskrit and see how you can make your friends' birthday even more memorable.

How to wish “Good Luck” in Sanskrit?

भवतः प्रत्येकं पदे सफलता अनुसरणं करोतु।

bhavataḥ pratyekaṃ pade saphalatā anusaraṇaṃ karotu

Hindi translation:
सफलता हर कदम पर आपका साथ निभाए।

English translation:
May success follow you every step of the way.

how to say good luck in sanskrit
उज्ज्वलः समृद्धः भविष्यस्य शुभकामना।

ujjvalaḥ samṛddhaḥ bhaviṣyasya śubhakāmanā

Hindi translation:
आपके उज्ज्वल एवं समृद्ध भविष्य की मैं कामना करता हूँ।

English translation:
Wishing you a bright and prosperous future.

भवतः अनुरागः चालनं च भवन्तं महतीं सफलतां नयतु।

bhavataḥ anurāgaḥ cālanaṃ ca bhavantaṃ mahatīṃ saphalatāṃ nayatu

Hindi translation:
आपका जुनून और उत्साह आपको बड़ी सफलता की ओर ले जाए।

English translation:
May your passion and drive lead you to great success.
तव सफलभविष्यस्य कृते सकारात्मकविचाराः उत्तमस्पन्दनानि च प्रेषयामि।

tava saphalabhaviṣyasya kṛte sakārātmakavicārāḥ uttamaspandanāni ca preṣayāmi।

Hindi translation:
आपके सफल भविष्य के लिए आपको सकारात्मक विचार और अच्छी भावनाएं भेज रहा हूं।

English translation:
Sending you positive thoughts and good vibes for your successful future.
भवतः दृढनिश्चयः परिश्रमः च भवतः योग्यं सफलतां आनयतु।

bhavataḥ dṛḍhaniścayaḥ pariśramaḥ ca bhavataḥ yogyaṃ saphalatāṃ ānayatu

Hindi translation:
आपका दृढ़ संकल्प और कड़ी मेहनत आपको वह सफलता दिलाये जिसके आप हकदार हैं।

English translation:
May your determination and hard work bring you the success you deserve.

How to give congratulations in Sanskrit?

भवतः सफलतायै अभिनन्दनम्।

bhavataḥ saphalatāyai abhinandanam

Hindi translation:
आपकी सफलता के लिए शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
Congratulations for your success.
भवतः सुयोग्यसफलतायै अभिनन्दनम्।

bhavataḥ suyogyasaphalatāyai abhinandanam

Hindi translation:
आपकी सुयोग्य सफलता के लिए शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
Congratulations on your well-deserved success.
ऊर्जया बुद्ध्या दृढनिश्चयेन च अनुसृतानां सद्विचाराणां फलम् अस्ति सफलता।

ūrjayā buddhyā dṛḍhaniścayena ca anusṛtānāṃ sadvicārāṇāṃ phalam asti saphalatā

Hindi translation:
ऊर्जा, बुद्धि और दृढ़ संकल्प के साथ अपनाए गए अच्छे विचारों का फल सफलता है।

English translation:
Success is the fruit of good ideas pursued with energy, intelligence and determination.
न किमपि असम्भवं यदा त्वं दृढनिश्चयः प्रतिबद्धः च भवसि। अभिनन्दनम्!

na kimapi asambhavaṃ yadā tvaṃ dṛḍhaniścayaḥ pratibaddhaḥ ca bhavasi। abhinandanam!

Hindi translation:
जब आप दृढ़ निश्चयी और प्रतिबद्ध हों तो कुछ भी असंभव नहीं है। बधाई हो!

English translation:
Nothing is impossible when you are determined and committed. Congratulations!
भवतः सफलता सर्वेषां कृते प्रेरणादायका अस्ति। अनेकानि अभिनन्दनानि।

bhavataḥ saphalatā sarveṣāṃ kṛte preraṇādāyakā asti। anekāni abhinandanāni।

Hindi translation:
आपकी सफलता हर किसी के लिए प्रेरणादायी है। बहुत बधाई।

English translation:
Your success is an inspiration to everyone. Many congratulations.

Congratulate on one’s promotion-

पदोन्नत्यर्थम् अभिनन्दनानि।

padonnatyartham abhinandanāni

Hindi translation:
पदोन्नति के लिए बधाईयाँ।

English translation:
Congratulations on your promotion.

How to say “Happy Birthday” in Sanskrit ?

जन्मदिनस्य हार्दाः शुभकामनाः/शुभाशयाः।

janmadinasya hārdāḥ śubhakāmanāḥ/śubhāśayāḥ

Hindi translation:
आपको आपके जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ।/आशीर्वाद।

English translation:
Many many happy returns of the day.
शुभं जन्मदिनम्।

śubham janmadinam

Hindi translation:
जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
Happy Birthday.
जन्मदिवसस्य शुभकामनाः/शुभाशयाः।

janmadivasasya śubhakāmanāḥ/śubhāśayāḥ

Hindi translation:
आपको आपके जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ।/आशीर्वाद।

English translation:
Happy wishes / blessings to you on your birthday.
दीर्घायुरारोग्यमस्तु, सुयशः भवतु, विजयी भवतु, जन्मदिनशुभेच्छाः।

dīrghāyurārogyamastu, suyaśaḥ bhavatu, vijayī bhavatu, janmadinaśubhecchāḥ

Hindi translation:
आपकी लंबी आयु हो, अच्छा स्वास्थ्य हो, अच्छी प्रसिद्धि हो, जीत हो। जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
May you have a long life, good health, good fame, victory. Happy birthday.
जन्मदिवसस्य अभिनन्दनानि।

janmadivasasya abhinandanāni

Hindi translation:
आपको जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
Happy Birthday to you.
जन्मदिवसस्य अनेकशः शुभकामनाः।

janmadivasasya anekaśaḥ śubhakāmanāḥ

Hindi translation:
आपको जन्मदिन की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
Many wishes for your birthday.

how to write happy birthday in sanskrit
जीवेत् समृद्धः शतम्।

jīvet samṛddhaḥ śataṃ

Hindi translation:
आप सौ वर्षों तक समृद्धिपूर्वक जियें।

English translation:
May you live prosperously for a hundred years.

शुभ जन्मदिनम् अयि प्रिय सखे।

śubha janmadinam ayi priya sakhe

Hindi translation:
जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएँ, मेरे प्रिय मित्र।

English translation:
Happy birthday, my dear friend.

How to say “Happy Engagement” in Sanskrit?

how to wish on engagement in sanskrit
भवतः विवाहनिश्चयार्थं मम शुभकामनाः।

bhavataḥ vivāhaniścayārthaṃ mama śubhakāmanāḥ

Hindi translation:
सगाई होने पर आपको बधाई।

English translation:
Congratulations on your engagement!

भवतः जीवनस्य अस्य नूतनस्य अध्यायस्य कृते शुभकामना।

bhavataḥ jīvanasya asya nūtanasya adhyāyasya kṛte śubhakāmanā

Hindi translation:
आपके जीवन के इस नए अध्याय के लिए आपको शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
Wishing you all the best for this new chapter of your life.
जीवनपर्यन्तं परस्परं स्थातुं प्रतिबद्धतां कृत्वा अभिनन्दनम्!

jīvanaparyantaṃ parasparaṃ sthātuṃ pratibaddhatāṃ kṛtvā abhinandanam

Hindi translation:
जीवन भर एक-दूसरे के साथ रहने का वचन जताने के लिए बधाई!

English translation:
Congratulations for making the commitment to stay with each other for the rest of your lives!

How to say "Happy Married Life" in Sanskrit?

भवतः वैवाहिकजीवनं शुभमयं भवतु।

bhavataḥ vaivāhikajīvanaṃ śubhamayaṃ bhavatu

Hindi translation:
आपको सुखी वैवाहिक जीवन की शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
Wish you a very happy married life.
भवतः वैवाहिकजीवनं प्रेम-हास्य-हृद्गतस्मृतिभिश्च परिपूर्णं भवतु।

bhavataḥ vaivāhikajīvanaṃ prema-hāsya-hṛdgatasmṛtibhiśca paripūrṇaṃ bhavatu

Hindi translation:
आपका वैवाहिक जीवन प्यार, हंसी और यादगार पलों से भरा हो।

English translation:
May your married life be filled with love, laughter and cherished memories.
हर्षान्वितानां नवविवाहितानां कृते मम हार्दिकम् अभिनन्दनम्।

harṣānvitānāṃ navavivāhitānāṃ kṛte mama hārdikam abhinandanam

Hindi translation:
आनंदित नवविवाहितों को मेरी हार्दिक बधाई।

English translation:
My heartiest congratulations to the happy newlyweds.
भवतः विवाहितजीवनं आनन्देन सन्तोषेण च परिपूर्णं भवतु।

bhavataḥ vivāhitajīvanaṃ ānandena santoṣeṇa ca paripūrṇaṃ bhavatu

Hindi translation:
आपका वैवाहिक जीवन आनंद और संतुष्टि से भरा रहे।

English translation:
May your married life be full of joy and contentment.
भवतः प्रेमस्य स्फुलिङ्गः आगामिषु वर्षेषु मार्गं प्रकाशयतु तथा सदैव परस्परं प्रति मार्गदर्शनं करोतु।

bhavataḥ premasya sphuliṅgaḥ āgāmiṣu varṣeṣu mārgaṃ prakāśayatu tathā sadaiva parasparaṃ prati mārgadarśanaṃ karotu

Hindi translation:
आपके प्यार की चिंगारी आने वाले वर्षों में आपका रास्ता रोशन करे और हमेशा आपको एक-दूसरे की ओर मार्गदर्शित करती रहे।

English translation:
May the spark of your love light the way through the years ahead and always guide you back to one another.

How to wish “Happy Anniversary” in Sanskrit ?

शिवदः विवाहदिवसः।

śivadaḥ vivāhadivasaḥ

Hindi translation:
विवाह वर्षगाँठ की शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
Happy marriage anniversary.
विवाहस्य वर्धापनदिनस्य अभिनन्दनानि।

vivāhasya vardhāpanadinasya abhinandanāni

Hindi translation:
विवाह वर्षगाँठ की शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
Happy marriage anniversary.
भवतः वैवाहिकजीवने सर्वदा शुभं भवतु।

bhavataḥ vaivāhikajīvane sarvadā śubhaṃ bhavatu

Hindi translation:
आपके वैवाहिक जीवन में हमेशा शुभता बनी रहे।

English translation:
May you always have good luck in your married life.
विवाहस्य वार्षिकोत्सवस्य हार्दाः शुभाशयाः।

vivāhasya vārṣikotsavasya hārdāḥ śubhāśayāḥ

Hindi translation:
आपको विवाह वर्षगाँठ की बहुत-बहुत शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
Wish you a very happy anniversary.
भवतः स्मरणीयः आनन्ददायकः विवाहः भवतु। सम्यक् भागीदारं प्राप्तुम् अभिनन्दनम्!

bhavataḥ smaraṇīyaḥ ānandadāyakaḥ vivāhaḥ bhavatu। samyak bhāgīdāraṃ prāptum abhinandanam!

Hindi translation:
आपका विवाह स्मरणीय और आनंदमय हो। उत्तम साथी मिलने पर बधाई!

English translation:
May you have a memorable and joyous wedding ceremony. Congratulations on finding the perfect partner!

How to say “Thank you” in Sanskrit?

अनुगृहीतोऽस्मि / अनुगृहीताऽस्मि।

anugṛhīto'smi / anugṛhītā'smi

Hindi translation:
आपका कृतज्ञ हूँ / आपकी कृतज्ञ हूँ।

English translation:
I am grateful to you.

how to say thank you in sanskrit
धन्योऽस्मि / धन्याऽस्मि।

dhanyo'smi / dhanyā'smi

Hindi translation:
आपका आभारी हूँ / आपकी आभारी हूँ।

English translation:
I am thankful to you.

Thanking for the gift-

सार्थकोपहारस्य कृते धन्यवादः।
sārthakopahārasya kṛte dhanyavādaḥ
Thank you for the meaningful gift.
अर्थपूर्ण उपहार के लिए धन्यवाद।

Thanking for the kindness-

तव उदारता केवलं तव अनुग्रहेण अतिक्रान्तं भवति। धन्यवादः।
tava udāratā kevalaṃ tava anugraheṇa atikrāntaṃ bhavati। dhanyavādaḥ।
Your generosity is only outdone by your kindness. Thank you.
आपकी उदारता केवल आपकी कृपा से बढ़कर है। धन्यवाद।

Thanking for the support-

अहं भवद्भिः विना एतावत् दूरं न आगमिष्यामि स्म। भवतः साहाय्यार्थं धन्यवादः।
ahaṃ bhavadbhiḥ vinā etāvat dūraṃ na āgamiṣyāmi sma। bhavataḥ sāhāyyārthaṃ dhanyavādaḥ।
I wouldn't have come this far without you all. Thank you for your support.
आप लोगों के बिना मैं इतनी दूर तक नहीं आ पाता/पाती। आपकी सहायता के लिए धन्यवाद।

धन्यवादः यत् भवतः मयि सर्वदा विश्वासं कुर्वति।
dhanyavādaḥ yat bhavataḥ mayi sarvadā viśvāsaṃ kurvati
Thank you for always believing in me.
हमेशा मुझ पर विश्वास करने के लिए धन्यवाद।

How to say “Get well soon” in Sanskrit?

शीघ्रमेव स्वस्थः/कुशलः भवतु।

śīghrameva svasthaḥ/kuśalaḥ bhavatu

Hindi translation:
आप शीघ्र ही स्वस्थ हों।

English translation:
May you get well soon.

how to say get well soon in sanskrit
शीघ्रं स्वस्थतां कामयामि।

śīghraṃ svasthatāṃ kāmayāmi

Hindi translation:
तुम्हारा स्वास्थ्य शीघ्र ठीक होने की मैं कामना करता हूँ।

English translation:
I wish you a speedy recovery.
सुस्वास्थ्यं भवतु।

susvāsthyaṃ bhavatu

Hindi translation:
आपका स्वास्थ्य अच्छा रहे।

English translation:
May you be in good health.


Hindi translation:
जल्दी स्वस्थ हो जाइए।

English translation:
Get well soon.
भवतः ज्ञातुं पूर्वमेव चिकित्सालयात् बहिः गृहे च भविष्यति।
शीघ्रं स्वस्थतां प्राप्तुं शुभकामना!

bhavataḥ jñātuṃ pūrvameva cikitsālayāt bahiḥ gṛhe ca bhaviṣyati।
śīghraṃ svasthatāṃ prāptuṃ śubhakāmanā

Hindi translation:
आपको पता चलने पहले हि आप अस्पताल से बाहर और घर पर होंगे।
आपका स्वास्थ्य जल्दी से ठीक हो यही चाहता/चाहती हूँ!

English translation:
Before you know it, you'll be out of the hospital and at home.
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
वयं शुभकामनाः प्रेषयामः,
शीघ्रं स्वस्थतां प्राप्तुं च आशास्महे।

vayaṃ śubhakāmanāḥ preṣayāmaḥ,
śīghraṃ svasthatāṃ prāptuṃ ca āśāsmahe

Hindi translation:
हम सभी अपनी शुभकामनाएं भेजते हैं और शीघ्र स्वस्थ होने की आशा करते हैं।

English translation:
We are sending our best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery.

Farewell wishes in Sanskrit:

शुभास्ते पन्थानः सन्तु।

śubhāste panthānaḥ santu

Hindi translation:
आपके मार्ग मंगलमय हो।

English translation:
May your paths be auspicious.
सर्वभारान् अनुसृज्य अनन्तविश्रामस्य स्वागतं कुरु।
शुभ निवृत्तिः।

sarvabhārān anusṛjya anantaviśrāmasya svāgataṃ kuru।
śubha nivṛttiḥ।

Hindi translation:
सभी दबावों को आज्ञा दे और असीम आराम का स्वागत करें!
सेवानिवृति की बधाई!

English translation:
Say goodbye to all the pressure and welcome the endless leisure.
Happy retirement!
आगामि दिनानि भवद्भ्यः व्यक्तिगतं व्यावसायिकं च सफलतां आनयन्तु।

āgāmi dināni bhavadbhyaḥ vyaktigataṃ vyāvasāyikaṃ ca saphalatāṃ ānayantu।

Hindi translation:
आने वाले दिन आपके लिए व्यक्तिगत और व्यावसायिक सफलता लेकर आएं।

English translation:
May the coming days bring you personal and professional success.
Best of luck!
स्वस्य कृते स्वप्नदृष्टं जीवनं जीवितुं साहसं कुरु।
अग्रे गत्वा स्वप्नान् साकारं कुरु। सर्वकुशलं भवतु।

svasya kṛte svapnadṛṣṭaṃ jīvanaṃ jīvituṃ sāhasaṃ kuru।
agre gatvā svapnān sākāraṃ kuru। sarvakuśalaṃ bhavatu।

Hindi translation:
वह जीवन जीने का साहस करें जिसका आपने अपने लिए सपना देखा है।
आगे बढ़ें और अपने सपनों को साकार करें! शुभकामनाएं!

English translation:
Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself.
Go forward and make your dreams come true! All the best!
विगमाः कठिनाः परन्तु अस्माभिः निर्मितानां स्मृतीनां कृते अहं कृतज्ञः अस्मि।
सम्पर्कं कुर्वतु!

vigamāḥ kaṭhināḥ parantu asmābhiḥ nirmitānāṃ smṛtīnāṃ kṛte ahaṃ kṛtajñaḥ asmi।
samparkaṃ kurvatu!

Hindi translation:
आज्ञा लेना कठिन है लेकिन हमने जो यादें बनाई हैं उनके लिए मैं आभारी हूँ।
संपर्क में रहें!

English translation:
Goodbyes are hard but I am grateful for the memories we have created.
Stay in touch!
यथा यथा भवन्तः नूतनानां आव्हानानां उद्यमं कुर्वन्ति तथा तथा भवन्तः सफलतां सिद्धिं च प्राप्नुवन्तु।
विगमः शुभकामना च।

yathā yathā nūtanānāṃ āvhānānāṃ udyamaṃ kurvasi tathā tathā tvaṃ saphalatāṃ siddhiṃ ca prāpnuvantu।
vigamaḥ śubhakāmanā ca

Hindi translation:
जैसे-जैसे आप नई संघर्षों का सामना करेंगे, आपको सफलता और संतोष मिलेगी।
नमस्ते और शुभकामनाएँ।

English translation:
As you venture into new challenges, may you find success and fulfilment.
Farewell and best of luck!

Condolences in Sanskrit:

अहं दुःखी, स्तब्धः, वाग्हीनः च अस्मि। सद्गतिप्राप्तिरस्तु इत्येव मम प्रार्थना।

ahaṃ duḥkhī, stabdhaḥ, vāghīnaḥ ca asmi। sadgatiprāptirastu ityeva mama prārthanā।

Hindi translation:
मैं दुखी, स्तब्ध और अवाक हूँ। उन्हे सद्गती प्राप्त हो यही मेरी प्रार्थना है।

English translation:
I am sad, shocked and speechless. I pray that their souls attain liberation.
ईश्वरः भवतः कृते भवतः परिवारस्य च कृते एतद् दुःखं सहितुं सामर्थ्यं ददातु।

īśvaraḥ bhavataḥ kṛte bhavataḥ parivārasya ca kṛte etad duḥkhaṃ sahituṃ sāmarthyaṃ dadātu

Hindi translation:
ईश्वर आपको और आपके परिवार को यह दुःख सहने की शक्ति दे।

English translation:
May God give you and your family the strength to bear this sorrow.
मम हृदयस्पर्शी शोकसंवेदना गभीरा सहानुभूतिः समर्थनं च भवद्भिः सह अस्ति।
आगामिषु दिनेषु भवन्तः शान्तिं सान्त्वनां च प्राप्नुवन्तु।

mama hṛdayasparśī śokasaṃvedanā gabhīrā sahānubhūtiḥ samarthanaṃ ca bhavadbhiḥ saha asti।
āgāmiṣu dineṣu bhavantaḥ śāntiṃ sāntvanāṃ ca prāpnuvantu।

Hindi translation:
मेरी हार्दिक संवेदना, गहरी सहानुभूति और समर्थन आपके साथ है।
आने वाले दिनों में आपको शांति और धीरज मिले।

English translation:
My heartfelt condolences, deepest sympathy and support is with you.
May you find peace and solace in the days to come.
अहं जानामि एषः कठिनः समयः अस्ति किन्तु स्मर्यतां यत् भवान् एकाकी नास्ति।
भवतः कृते अहं सदैव अस्मि।

ahaṃ jānāmi eṣaḥ kaṭhinaḥ samayaḥ asti kintu smaryatāṃ yat bhavān ekākī nāsti।
bhavataḥ kṛte ahaṃ sadaiva asmi।

Hindi translation:
मैं जानता हूँ कि यह कठिन समय है लेकिन याद रखें कि आप अकेले नहीं हैं।
मैं हमेशा आपके साथ हूँ।

English translation:
I know this is a difficult time but remember you are not alone.
I am here for you, always.
भवतः प्रियजनस्य निधनस्य विषये श्रुत्वा अहं अतीव दुःखितः/दुःखिता अस्मि।

bhavataḥ priyajanasya nidhanasya viṣaye śrutvā ahaṃ atīva duḥkhitaḥ/duḥkhitā asmi।

Hindi translation:
आपके प्रियजन के निधन के बारे में सुनकर मुझे गहरा दुख हुआ है।

English translation:
I am deeply sorry to hear about the passing of your loved one.

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