Finding your purpose! A Sanskrit Shlok from Samayochitapadya Maalikaa

Source: Samayochitapadya Maalikaa
Sanskrit transcript:
अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्।
अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः॥
amaṃtramakṣaraṃ nāsti nāsti mūlamanauṣadham।
ayogyaḥ puruṣo nāsti yojakastatra durlabhaḥ॥
Hindi translation:
ऐसा कोई अक्षर नहीं जिसका महत्व न हो, ऐसी कोई जड़ी नहीं जिसकी कोई औषधीय उपयोग ना हो!
ऐसा कोई शख्स नहीं जिसकी कोई क्षमता न हो, पर ऐसा शख्स मिलना मुश्किल है जिसको जिसकी योग्यता का ज्ञान हो!
English translation:
There is no letter which doesn’t have a charm, there is no root which doesn’t have medicinal property.
There is no person who is not able, but rare is the one who knows his/her proper application.
Two things to learn from this Shlok
While the examples of Akshara (character) and Mula (root) are easy to understand, this Shlok subtly points at two things – one is to have adequate knowledge about the matter. For example, a smartphone is nothing but a fancy paperweight to an uninitiated person. But the same smartphone is a great tool to access knowledge, communicate and many more tasks (although we end up using it for watching funny videos, TikTok and Snapchat, that’s a different story).
The second thing the shlok points out subtly is the importance of the person who knows how to put someone in the right environment. Identifying someone’s potential requires years of understanding, insight and an innate skill to truly understand the person. Because more often than not people do not know what they want to do, that’s why we have aptitude tests to determine what profession would suit you. Given the rise of AI, we hope this gap will be filled up soon.
The second thing the shlok points out subtly is the importance of the person who knows how to put someone in the right environment. Identifying someone’s potential requires years of understanding, insight and an innate skill to truly understand the person. Because more often than not people do not know what they want to do, that’s why we have aptitude tests to determine what profession would suit you. Given the rise of AI, we hope this gap will be filled up soon.
Which scripture is this shlok from?
ancient wisdom explained in modern language
Age old wisdom in current perspective.
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