We Got This "Health Tips" WhatsApp Forward – But Is Any of It Actually True? Let’s Find Out!
This article is written by Neeshita Sakhardande
Ancient India has long been a cradle of wisdom, offering profound insights into health and wellness that continue to resonate today. Rooted in millennia of tradition, the health practices of India are closely intertwined with spiritual, physical, and mental well-being. From the foundations of Ayurveda, one of the oldest systems of medicine, to yoga, meditation, and dietary practices, these methods emphasize balance and harmony within the body and mind. Ancient Indian health tips not only focus on the treatment of illness but also stress prevention, fostering a holistic approach to living a healthy, vibrant life.
The holistic principles of Ancient Indian health emphasize the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. Practices such as Ayurvedic healing, detoxification routines, and specific food recommendations are designed to nurture one's overall well-being. In addition to physical health, these ancient traditions also explore the importance of emotional and mental peace. By focusing on mindful living, balanced routines, and a connection with nature, Ancient Indian health tips offer timeless wisdom that can guide modern individuals toward achieving a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle.
In today’s digital age, it’s common to receive health-related messages on platforms like WhatsApp, including those claiming to offer ancient Indian health tips. While some of these tips may contain valuable insights, it’s essential to verify the authenticity of such messages before accepting them as truth. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that any health advice shared via WhatsApp is not only accurate but also aligns with well-established principles. Verification helps protect us from misinformation and ensures that we benefit from the wisdom of these ancient practices in a safe and informed manner.
We received this forwarded message on WhatsApp about Ancient Indian Health Tips in Sanskrit. Let's see how many of these quotes can be found in Ancient Sanskrit Texts.
We found this quote in Chanakyaneeti!
अजीर्णे भोजनं विषम्।
English Translation:
If previously taken food is not digested, intake of more food is equivalent to taking poison.
Hindi Translation:
यदि पहले खाया गया भोजन पच न पाए तो अधिक भोजन करना जहर खाने के समान है।
![Sanskrit quotes for bio](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0592/6141/9682/files/2.jpg?v=17358083127)
We did not find this quote anywhere!
We did not find this quote anywhere!
We found this quote in Sushruta-samhita!
भग्नास्थिसंधानकरो रसोनः।
English Translation:
Garlic helps join broken bones.
Hindi Translation:
लहसुन टूटी हड्डियों को जोड़ने में मदद करता है।
We found this quote in Chanakyaneeti!
अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत्।
English Translation:
Anything consumed in excess, just because it tastes good, is not good for health.
Hindi Translation:
किसी भी चीज का अधिक मात्रा में सेवन, सिर्फ इसलिए कि उसका स्वाद अच्छा है, स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा नहीं है।
We found this quote in Shukraneetisaara!
नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्।
English Translation:
There is no vegetable/root that has no medicinal benefit to the body.
Hindi Translation:
ऐसी कोई सब्जी/जड़ नहीं है जिसका शरीर को औषधीय लाभ न हो।
We found this quote in Mahasubhashitasangraha!
न वैद्यः प्रभुरायुषः।
English Translation:
No doctor is capable of giving longevity.
Hindi Translation:
कोई भी वैद्य दीर्घायु देने में सक्षम नहीं है।
We found this quote in Padmapuran!
चिन्ता व्याधिप्रकाशाय।
English Translation:
Worry aggravates ill-health.
Hindi Translation:
चिंता से अस्वस्थता बढ़ती है।
We did not find this quote anywhere!
We found this quote in Samayocitapadyamālikā!
अजवच्चर्वणं कुर्यात्।
English Translation:
Chew your food like a goat. Never swallow food in a hurry as saliva aids first in digestion.
Hindi Translation:
अपना खाना बकरी की तरह चबाएँ। कभी भी भोजन को जल्दी में न निगलें क्योंकि लार पाचन में सबसे पहले सहायता करती है।
We did not find this quote anywhere!
We found this quote in Manusmruti!
न स्नानमाचरेद् भुक्त्वा।
English Translation:
Never take a bath immediately after eating, digestion is affected.
Hindi Translation:
खाने के तुरंत बाद कभी न नहाएं, इससे पाचन क्रिया प्रभावित होती है।
We found this quote in Subhashiratnabhandagaram!
नास्ति मेघसमं तोयम्।
English Translation:
No water is as pure as rainwater.
Hindi Translation:
कोई भी जल वर्षा के जल जितना शुद्ध नहीं है।
We found this quote in Chanakyaneeti!
अजीर्णे भेषजं वारि।
English Translation:
During indigestion, drinking plain water serves like a medicine.
Hindi Translation:
अपच के दौरान सादा पानी पीना दवा की तरह काम करता है।
We found this quote in Subhasitaratnabhandagaram!
सर्वत्र नूतनं शस्तं, सेवकान्ने पुरातने।
English Translation:
Always prefer things that are fresh. However, rice and servants are good only when they are old.
Hindi Translation:
हमेशा ताजा चीजें ही खाएं, लेकिन चावल और सर्विंग तभी अच्छे लगते हैं जब वे पुराने हों।
We did not find this quote anywhere!
We found this quote Sannyasopanishad!
आहारस्य च भागौ द्वौ तृतीयमुदकस्य च। वायोः सञ्चरणार्थाय चतुर्थमवशेषयेत्॥
English Translation:
Fill your stomach half with solids, a quarter with water, and leave the rest empty.
Hindi Translation:
अपने पेट का आधा हिस्सा ठोस पदार्थों से, एक चौथाई हिस्सा पानी से भरें तथा बाकी हिस्सा खाली छोड़ दें।
We found this quote Yogaratnakar!
भुक्त्वा शतपदं गच्छेद्।
English Translation:
Walk a hundred steps after having food.
Hindi Translation:
भोजन करने के बाद सौ कदम पैदल चलें।
We did not find this quote anywhere!
We did not find this quote anywhere!
![Sanskrit quotes for bio](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0592/6141/9682/files/21.jpg?v=1735808952)
We did not find this quote anywhere!
![Sanskrit quotes for bio](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0592/6141/9682/files/22.jpg?v=1735808952)
We found this quote Ashtangahridaya!
सर्वधर्मेषु मध्यमाम्।
English Translation:
Always choose the middle path. Avoid going for extremes in anything.
Hindi Translation:
हमेशा मध्य मार्ग चुनें। किसी भी चीज़ में अति करने से बचें।
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